Tuesday, April 29, 2014

SSL Concepts

rem ==================================================================
rem One possible approach to creating the SSL key repositories
rem for two queue managers
rem Using personal certificates only.
rem The commands can be run (as written here) on a single machine
rem and then the completed key repositories moved into locations
rem accessible by the queue managers
rem Dale Lane (http://hursleyonwmq.wordpress.com/)
rem ==================================================================
REM **************************************
REM **************************************
rem *** path for WebSphere MQ
set MQBASE=C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ
set PASSWORD=passw0rd
REM *** command name (gsk7cmd on UNIX, runmqckm on Windows)
set GSK7CMD=runmqckm
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------
REM On Windows, using runmqckm acts as a wrapper for the GSkit command
REM gsk7cmd in the correct environment. Using runmqckm means you do
REM not need the following commands.
REM Alternatively, you could use gsk7cmd, and use the following two
REM commands to set the environment manually.
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------
rem *** Set the path to the GSKit programs used to create the repository ***
rem set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\IBM\gsk7\bin
rem *** Set the path to the JRE installed by WMQ for GSKit ***
rem set JAVA_HOME=%MQBASE%\gskit\jre
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------
REM **************************************
REM lowercase!
REM when used in label names, we need
REM queue manager names in lowercase,
REM regardless of the case of the qmgr
REM names
REM **************************************
set QMGR1NAME=qmgr1
set QMGR2NAME=qmgr2
REM ***********************************************************
REM create repositories for use by queue managers to store keys
REM these should be moved to the SSL directory of the relevant
REM queue manager, or the queue manager SSLKEYR attribute
REM altered to point at this location
REM ***********************************************************
%GSK7CMD% -keydb -create -db qmgr1.kdb -pw %PASSWORD% -type cms -stash
%GSK7CMD% -keydb -create -db qmgr2.kdb -pw %PASSWORD% -type cms -stash
REM **********************************************
REM create certificates for use by queue managers
REM once created, the public keys are exported
REM for adding to repositories for other queue
REM managers
REM **********************************************
rem *** Create a certificate to be signed for QMGR1 ***
%GSK7CMD% -cert -create -db qmgr1.kdb -pw %PASSWORD% -label ibmwebspheremq%QMGR1NAME% -dn "CN=Qmgr1,O=IBM,OU=Hursley blog,L=Hursley,C=UK"
rem *** Extract the public key for QMGR1 for use with other queue managers ***
%GSK7CMD% -cert -extract -db qmgr1.kdb -pw %PASSWORD% -label ibmwebspheremq%QMGR1NAME% -target qmgr1cert.arm
rem *** Create a certificate to be signed for QMGR2 ***
%GSK7CMD% -cert -create -db qmgr2.kdb -pw %PASSWORD% -label ibmwebspheremq%QMGR2NAME% -dn "CN=Qmgr2,O=IBM,OU=Hursley blog,L=Hursley,C=UK"
rem *** Extract the public key for QMGR1 for use with other queue managers ***
%GSK7CMD% -cert -extract -db qmgr2.kdb -pw %PASSWORD% -label ibmwebspheremq%QMGR2NAME% -target qmgr2cert.arm
REM **********************************************
REM add public keys for use by queue managers
REM each queue manager needs the public key for
REM each other queue manager it will connect to
REM **********************************************
rem *** add the public key for QMGR2 to the QMGR1 key repository ***
%GSK7CMD% -cert -add -db qmgr1.kdb -pw %PASSWORD% -label ibmwebspheremq%QMGR2NAME% -file qmgr2cert.arm
rem *** add the public key for QMGR1 to the QMGR2 key repository ***
%GSK7CMD% -cert -add -db qmgr2.kdb -pw %PASSWORD% -label ibmwebspheremq%QMGR1NAME% -file qmgr1cert.arm
REM ---------------------------------------------------
REM ---------------------------------------------------
REM qmgr1.kdb (and associated stash file qmgr1.sth)
REM qmgr2.kdb (and associated stash file qmgr2.sth)
REM are now ready for use by the queue managers
REM -----------------------------------------------------
REM qmgr1cert.arm
REM qmgr2cert.arm
REM these are the queue manager certificates for
REM importing into each queue manager repository
REM and can now be deleted
REM ---------------------------------------------------
rem ==================================================================
rem END
rem ==================================================================

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