Thursday, July 28, 2016

Configuring BOQ at OSB Layer to handle MQ poison messages.. (MQ Dead Letter URI)

Backout Threshold - Non-Zero value.
Enter a value representing the number(5) of times the pipeline should retry a message before redirecting the message to the queue specified in the Dead Letter URI field(BOQ).If you do not specify a value for this field, the message is redirected to the BOQ without attempting any retries.

MQ Dead Letter URI - Need to be update the MQ BOQ Name here.
Enter the URI of the dead letter queue (BOQ_Name) to which request messages should be redirected after attempting the number of retries specified in the Backout Threshold field.

If you do not specify a value for this field, the message is discarded after retrying the number of times specified in the Backout Threshold field. The Dead Letter URI uses the same format as the EndPoint URI.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Silent MQ Uninstall on Windows..

You can use the Windows msiexec command to run the silent uninstall with the following syntax:
msiexec /x { product_code } /l*v " c:\removal.log" /q INSTALLATIONNAME=" installation_name "

You can find the product code in the registry under the following key:

64 bit OS:

32 bit OS:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Installation\Installation_name

Thursday, January 28, 2016

WebSphere MQ AMS

WebSphere MQ applications can use WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security to send sensitive data, such as high-value financial transactions and personal information, with different levels of protection by using a public key cryptography model.

groupadd mqusers
useradd alice
useradd bob
useradd fulano

alice - will have access to AMS to put messages
bob - will have access to AMS to get messages
fulano - will NOT have access to AMS, and it will be used to show what happens when an unauthorized user tries to browse the AMS protected messages.
Users are members of the group “mqusers”

crtmqm -u DLQ AMS
strmqm AMS
runmqsc AMS

define qlocal(TEST.Q)
define qlocal(Q1)

define listener(LISTENER.1444) trptype(tcp) control(qmgr) port(1444)
start listener(LISTENER.1444)

define channel(SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN) chltype(SVRCONN)
define qlocal(DLQ) like(SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE)


**check AMS is enabled or not
display qmgr SPLCAP

setmqaut -m AMS -t qmgr -p alice -p bob -p fulano +connect +inq +dsp
setmqaut -m AMS -n TEST.Q -t queue -p alice -p fulano +put +browse +dsp
setmqaut -m AMS -n TEST.Q -t queue -p bob -p fulano +get +browse +dsp

setmqaut -m AMS -t queue -n SYSTEM.PROTECTION.POLICY.QUEUE -p alice -p bob +browse
setmqaut -m AMS -t queue -n SYSTEM.PROTECTION.ERROR.QUEUE -p alice -p bob +put

mkdir /home/alice/.mqs -p
runmqakm -keydb -create -db /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.kdb -pw passw0rd -stash
runmqakm -cert -create -db /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.kdb -pw passw0rd -label Alice_Cert -dn "cn=alice,o=IBM,c=GB" -default_cert yes

runmqakm -cert -extract -db /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.kdb -pw passw0rd -label Alice_Cert -target /tmp/alice_public.arm
chmod 644 /tmp/alice_public.arm
runmqakm -cert -add -db /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.kdb -pw passw0rd -label Bob_Cert -file /tmp/bob_public.arm

mkdir /home/bob/.mqs -p
runmqakm -keydb -create -db /home/bob/.mqs/bobkey.kdb -pw passw0rd -stash
runmqakm -cert -create -db /home/bob/.mqs/bobkey.kdb -pw passw0rd -label Bob_Cert -dn "cn=bob,o=IBM,c=GB" -default_cert yes

runmqakm -cert -extract -db /home/bob/.mqs/bobkey.kdb -pw passw0rd -label Bob_Cert -target /tmp/bob_public.arm
chmod 644 /tmp/bob_public.arm

runmqakm -cert -add -db /home/bob/.mqs/bobkey.kdb -pw passw0rd -label Alice_Cert -file /tmp/alice_public.arm

chmod +r /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey.kdb
chmod +r /home/bob/.mqs/bobkey.kdb

** Creating 'keystore.conf' (Each user must have a separate keystore.conf file)
vi /home/alice/.mqs/keystore.conf
cms.keystore = /home/alice/.mqs/alicekey
cms.certificate = Alice_Cert

vi /home/bob/.mqs/keystore.conf
cms.keystore = /home/bob/.mqs/bobkey
cms.certificate = Bob_Cert

chmod 777 /home/alice/.mqs/*
chmod 777 /home/bob/.mqs/*

*** Defining queue policy
setmqspl -m AMS -p TEST.Q -s SHA1 -a "CN=alice,O=IBM,C=GB" -e AES256 -r "CN=bob,O=IBM,C=GB"
**dspmqspl -m AMS (Verify the policy:)

su alice
amqsputc TEST.Q AMS
this is a test

su bob
amqsputc TEST.Q AMS
Sample AMQSGET0 start
message <this is a test>
no more messages
Sample AMQSGET0 end

************** Notes....
Features and functions of WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security:
Secures sensitive or high-value transactions processed by WebSphere MQ.
Detects and removes rogue or unauthorized messages before they are processed by a receiving application.
Verifies that messages were not modified while in transit from queue to queue.
Protects the data not only as it flows across the network but also when it is put on a queue.
Secures existing proprietary and customer-written applications for WebSphere MQ.

SPLCAP: Indicates whether security capabilities of WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security are available for a queue manager.
SETMQSPL: setmqspl command to define a new security policy, alter an already existing one, or remove an existing policy.

Usage: setmqspl -m <QMGR> -p <Policy Name> (-remove | -s <signing algorithm>
[-a <signer DN>]*
             [-e <encryption algorithm> [-r <receiver DN>]+] [-t <0|1>])

Here is an example of creating a policy on queue manager QMGR. The policy specifies that messages be signed using the SHA1 algorithm and encrypted using the AES256 algorithm for certificates with DN: CN=joe,O=IBM,C=US and DN: CN=jane,O=IBM,C=US. This policy is attached to MY.QUEUE:

$ setmqspl -m QMGR -p MY.QUEUE -s SHA1 -e AES256 -r CN=joe,O=IBM,C=US -r CN=jane,O=IBM,C=US

Here is an example of creating policy on the queue manager QMGR. The policy specifies that messages be encrypted using the DES algorithm for certificates with DNs: CN=john,O=IBM,C=US and CN=jeff,O=IBM,C=US and signed with the MD5 algorithm for certificate with DN: CN=phil,O=IBM,C=US

$ setmqspl -m QMGR -p MY.OTHER.QUEUE -s MD5 -e DES -r CN=john,O=IBM,C=US -r CN=jeff,O=IBM,C=US -a CN=phil,O=IBM,C=US

Removing security policies:

$ setmqspl -m QMGR -remove -p MY.OTHER.QUEUE

Granting OAM permissions:
To grant necessary permissions to a user, run:
setmqaut -m AMS -t qmgr -p alice  +connect +inq
setmqaut -m AMS -t queue -n SYSTEM.PROTECTION.POLICY.QUEUE -p alice  +browse +put
setmqaut -m AMS -t queue -n SYSTEM.PROTECTION.ERROR.QUEUE -p alice  +put

Digital signature algorithm:
WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security supports the following values:
MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512. All must be in uppercase. The default value is NONE.
For the SHA384 and SHA512 cryptographic hash functions, keys used for signing must be longer than 768 bits.
Encryption algorithms' name must be in uppercase.

Digital encryption algorithm:
WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security supports the following encryption algorithms: RC2, DES, 3DES, AES128, AES256. The default value is NONE.
Encryption algorithms' name must be in uppercase.

Policy Backup.. (qload OR dmpmqcfg won't took the policy's backup)

dspmqspl -m QM_VERIFY_AMS -export >restore_my_policies.bat

Structure of the "keystore.conf" configuration file
Each WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security user must have the keystore configuration file that points to a keystore file. WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security accepts the following format of keystore files: .kdb, .jceks, .jks.

default location of the keystore.conf file is:
On UNIX platforms: $HOME/.mqs/
On Windows platforms: %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\.mqs\keystore.con

If you are using a specified keystore filename and location, you should use the following commands:
export MQS_KEYSTORE_CONF=<path>/<filename>

CMS (cryptographic message security)
cms.keystore = /<dir>/<keystore_file>
cms.certificate = certificate_label

JCEKS (Java Cryptographic encription keyStore)
jceks.keystore = <dir>/Keystore
jceks.certificate = <certificate_label>
jceks.encrypted = no
jceks.keystore_pass = <password>
jceks.key_pass = <password>
jceks.provider = IBMJCE

JKS (Java KeyStore)
jks.keystore = <dir>/Keystore
jks.certificate = <certificate_label>
jks.encrypted = no
jks.keystore_pass = <password>
jks.key_pass = <password>
jks.provider = IBMJCE